August 25 – 31, 2023Vol. 25, No. 11

2023: Maine Is A Great Place To Be

A mountain in the sky: a billowing, cumulous cloud over Hatch Cove in Great Pond catches the last rays of the setting sun. Photo by Gregor Smith

by Esther J. Perne

2023: It was a renaissance summer. There were unrestricted camps for kids, and concerts, and families on outings, and dogs in tow and it was okay to be invaded by visitors because all of these traditions of summer are typically Maine, and Maine is a great place to be in 2023.

Sure, it rained, but there was confidence that locally the Dam Committee was watching the water levels and adjusting the dams and that statewide Maine was removed from the drought list.

Anyway there are things to do in the rain: laugh, eat, read, go to a lot of movies at the Maine International Film Festival, and discover that lake water is warmer when swimming in the rain.

Events emerged or re-emerged just as good as ever — or better — with spectators and participation visibly ramped up. Some events continue into fall — don’t miss them: agricultural fairs, public suppers, concerts, theater, spontaneous outings to a lake or trail, to fish or golf, to stroll a downtown and to just relax in the warm fall rays.

Of course, carryovers from the COVID pandemic remain, good ones: outdoors time and lots of it, distancing on a quiet trail, park, coves, and respect for personal decisions about masks that made gatherings more possible.

Plans were possible again this summer, as in “next summer”; as in going to do, attempt, attend all the activities and recreation that bloom with this wonderful season; as in we have lived through and know how to cope with and recover from and hopefully not have to deal with something like COVID again and, if we do, Maine is a great place to be.

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