August 11 – 17, 2023Vol. 25, No. 9

Recently the Polito family, along with a boyfriend, Alex, hiked Mt. Phillip in Rome. Shown here are Alex (left) with Miranda, Christine, Kylie, and Michael Polito. Photo courtesy of Pete Kallin.

On the Cover

Maine’s Most Amazing Art

Basketmaking is not only the oldest form of art, but it also fills purposes both utilitarian and decorative. It has a vibrant history in Maine, where the Wabanaki Indian tribes — the Penobscot, the Passamaquoddy, the Maliseets and the Micmacs — have perfected it. More

On the Road

Traveling the Pine Tree Trail

Tourism in Maine has long been big business. Back in 1937, a route through Maine was highlighted that would guide tourists from one end of the state to the other. Called the Pine Tree Trail, its goal was to highlight the merits of our beautiful state. More

Call of the Loon

What Makes a Loon Project Volunteer?

Volunteers are the heart of the Belgrade Lakes Association’s Loon Preservation Project. Five years ago, a Great Pond resident called with a welcomed sighting of that lake’s only surviving chick. He surfaced again last week when he took our team of Colby interns, a faculty member, and me out for a loon survey via pontoon boat. More

Dams Report

Trouble With the Great Pond Dam

At the request of Kennebec County’s Emergency Management Agency’s new director John Brenenstuhl, acting state dams inspector Tony Fletcher visited our Village Dam earlier this week and just sent along his findings. More

Barkley On Books

The Book of Maps

Ernest Thompson’s Book of Maps is a story of a camping trip of a father, 52, and son, 10, across the entire country from California to New Hampshire. Only two weeks of fun and frolic and misbehavior, but oh what a time they had. More

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