July 28 – August 3, 2023Vol. 25, No. 7

Oakland’s Memorial Hall, shown from the south, is 150 years old this year. A campaign is underway to raise funds to restore and renovate this historic ediface. More

On the Cover

The Wishes in Our Midst

A family…a forever home…food…a future for our children…clean, clear lakes… These are some of the many types of wishes that dedicated nonprofit organizations in Central Maine and beyond strive to fill. More


Updating Oakland’s Memorial Hall for the 21st Century

At various times, Oakland’s Memorial Hall has hosted a bank, a post office, a Civil War veterans group, elementary school classes, town offices, the town library, church services, high school graduations, and much more. Now, at age 150, the building needs renovations. More

7 Lakes Alliance

7 Lakes Alliance Honors Four With Conservation Award

Recently, the 7 Lakes Alliance honored Jane Eberle, Gerald Tipper, Lenny Reich, and Bob Joly for their roles in founding the Youth Conservation Corps. More

Call of the Loon

It Comes with the Territory

Last week, we were conducting a regular loon survey on Great Pond when we saw a single loon behaving somewhat unusually. It was staying above the water more than normal and hugging the shore. We decided to check that area, the island off Foster Point, a little more thoroughly than usual. More

Dams Report

Still Holding Our Own

Although it’s been another roller coaster of a week with daily forecasts of scattered thunderstorms, we actually faired fairly well. It could have been a lot worse, and our ponds are in excellent shape. More

Barkley On Books

This Wild Land

Mt. Katahdin hovers in its grandness over almost every chapter of This Wild Land by Baxter Park Ranger Andrew Vietze. The Appalachian Trail thru hikers, day hikers and their lack of preparedness, personalities of rangers, and outdoor toilets are main characters. More

Take It Outside

Families Everywhere

As the water has warmed into the high 70s, the trout fishing is slowing down, but the bass and pike are continuing to feed on schools of alewives. The bass are also hitting big Hex mayflies that are hatching in the evening and early morning. More

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