July 28 – August 3, 2023Vol. 25, No. 7

Still Holding Our Own

by Dick Greenan

Although it’s been another roller coaster of a week with daily forecasts of scattered thunderstorms, we actually faired fairly well with the 1.86″ of precipitation we did get over the past ten days. It could have been a lot worse, to which our neighbors up north will attest.

The good news is that we are still holding our own, and our ponds are in excellent shape, despite the challenges. The Village dam, as of this writing, is 3.24″ above full pond with one gate opened just one foot. Long Pond, at the Wings Mill Dam, is 2.76″ below full with both gates at 18″ and 24″, respectively, with upper Long at two inches above full. Snow Pond is 6.12″ below the top of their spillway, which as I’ve said before, is remarkable considering the rain! Salmon and McGrath remain in great shape, right at full pond with the 1 cfs-calibrated valve still opened 15 turns.

If you recall, they were forecasting another drought for this summer, which couldn’t have been further from the truth! But the good news is that we all survived the deluge and with an updated ten day forecast with only 0.20″ of precipitation, so it looks like we’re finally going to have the Chamber of Commerce weather we all deserve.

If you have a particular questions regarding our dams and/or water levels, please email your inquiry to: dickgreenan@outlook.com and we will try to answer your question either in this column or via email.

Enjoy the family and your vacation. You have permission to put the umbrellas back in the closet!

Dick Greenan is chairman of the Belgrade Lakes Watershed Dams Committee. He submitted this report on July 20, 20023.

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