August 19 – 25, 2022Vol. 24, No. 11

Was Summer Back?

Sunset, or is it sunrise? The end of one day marks the beginning of the next. Photo courtesy of Armand Doroux Photography.

by Anthony Wilson

Was it just me? Or was summer BACK?

Part of that feeling, for me, came from the time I spent on and around the water as part of my new post with 7 Lakes Alliance. With an insider’s view, I’m even more impressed by the yeoman’s work this small nonprofit performs to conserve the region’s waters and the lands. To wit:

The work of conservation does not end with the summer; it stretches into the fall, then winter, then spring. After which, we anticipate seeing you again next summer. Excelsior!

Anthony Wilson is the 7 Lakes Alliance’s communication director. You can write to him at

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