Four sailboats moored in Mill Stream, a.ka. “The Channel,” which leads from Great Pond to Belgrade Lakes Village. Photo courtesy of the 7 Lakes Alliance.
(Click here or on the photo above to enlarge it.)
Call of the Loon
Why are many of our loons abandoning their second egg? Your Belgrade Lakes Association Loon Preservation Project’s volunteers have collected ten abandoned loon eggs so far this year, which is very unsettling, and the breeding season is not over. More…
Dams Report
I heard an old phrase this past week, which I haven’t heard since I was a teenager and as I recall, it was a very common reply from my Mom for just about everything! “That’s water over the dam, honey!!!” So that got me laughing as now I am up to my ears in this dam business!! More…
7 Lakes Alliance
Climate change is impacting water quality in the Belgrade Lakes watershed. That underscores the need to stabilize water quality in the region’s streams and lakes. One imminently doable action shorefront property owners can take is to make their properties “LakeSmart.” More…
Barkley On Books
Both Sigh, Gone: A Misfit’s Memoir of Great Books, Punk Rock, and the Fight to Fit In by Phuc Tran and Beneficence: A Novel by Meredith Hall are Portland area stories. Beneficence is about a loving family of five living ideally on a farm west of Portland. The memoir Sigh, Gone is by a 20-year Latin teacher who fled Vietnam. More…
Real Estate
Throughout the 1900s the family spent summmers in a lakeside retreat. After many years, the dynamics have changed. Several generations of children are grown with kids of their own, and they all want to spend time at the family lakehouse…together! The floor plan is funky, and space is limited. Now what? More…
Take It Outside
The third Saturday in July is the annual loon count in Maine, coordinated by Maine Audubon. This year’s count took place on July 16. It was the 39th annual count in this important ongoing citizen-science project dedicated to better understanding one of Maine’s most iconic birds. More…
The print edition includes all the above articles and much more. You can find a complete table of contents on p. 3. Adobe Reader is required.
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