People cluster around a lemonade stand in Belgrade Lakes Village. Day’s Store is in the background. More…
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On the Cover
Four the past four years, three young volunteers have been serving our lake with the money raised from their lemonade stand for the past four years. This year was their most successful yet. More…
Founded in 1978, Railroad Square Cinema was born out of a love of movies. This can-do, art house cinema is slated to close in December, when the Schupf Art Center, which will contain three screening rooms, is expected to open. More…
The Luckiest Boy
We hope you enjoyed last week’s “Fishin’ with Charles” story. In this week’s conclusion, Charles and his charges catch some fish on Great Pond and enjoy a nice lunch on Oak Island. More…
Dams Report
Our dry, beautiful summer conditions are just beginning to take their toll. The scattered and very sporadic afternoon showers do limit phosphorous runoff into our ponds but just do not provide enough water to keep our lake levels where we would like them to be. More…
Call of the Loon
We all know that our loons are threatened by numerous factors, but human interference should not be one of them. When you see a loon exhibiting any of these postures, it’s time to vacate the area and give them their space. More…
7 Lakes Alliance
When I arrived on East Pond in 2007, the cause of the lake’s frequent algae blooms was not well understood, but it turned out to be high levels of phosphorus in the lake’s sediment. After much scientific analysis, an alum treatment was proposed. More…
Barkley On Books
I first read this biography of Wyeth in the 1990s sometime, and my memories are vivid about its story of an artist and his family of artists, father and son. N.C. Wyeth’s dark oil paintings were on covers of many classic children books, like Treasure Island. More…
Real Estate
On June 22, a young moose showed up behind the Lakepoint Real Estate building in Belgrade Lakes Village. It is not often that a moose takes up residence in our area. “Millie” stole the hearts of residents and visitors of our town. Tragically, she died a mere five weeks later. More…
Take It Outside
Last weekend, my wife and I packed a picnic lunch, got in the boat, and headed to 7 Lakes Alliance’s Fogg Island Preserve on the Mount Vernon side of Lower Long Pond, a bit south of Ingham Stream. More…
The print edition includes all the above articles and much more. You can find a complete table of contents on p. 3. Adobe Reader is required.
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