June 16 – 22, 2023Vol. 25, No. 1

Welcome Letter

The Pernes, Esther, Cory, and Ethan, relaxing at the Village Green in Belgrade Lakes Village.

Dear Readers,

There’s something so exciting about the arrival of spring: seeing the first angler of the season appearing on a back-road bridge, the first robin plucking a worm from a seemingly lifeless lawn, the first flowers prematurely braving the weather to add color and life to the landscape. There’s something exciting about these same old, same old signs that summer lies ahead.

There’s also something exciting about the first issue of Summertime in the Belgrades appearing on shelves and countertops throughout central Maine, sporting the familiar blue-like-the-lakes logo and offering its legacy potpourri coverage of human interest, history, conservation, enrichment, recreation, activities and an intriguing range of news, notes, calendar announcements.

Summertime in the Belgrades is fortunate to be themed around an endless ebb and flow of seasonal riches, of opportunities, of advice, of healthy, wholesome, family-oriented outlets. We are fortunate to continue in 2023 to bring to our pages columnists with a passion for books, for business and real estate, for all things outdoors, for conservation, and for chronicles of history, enrichment, and inviting indoor attractions and events. Many are the same old, same old signs that summer is here…and they never fail to be new and exciting.

This first issue of Summertime in the Belgrades and issues all summer will suggest places to go and things to do, will list outings and events, will provide information and news about the region from annual celebrations to environmental project updates and will especially encourage everyone to venture out and about.

Summer is a beautiful, inspiring, rewarding season in the Belgrades. We love it and we hope everyone else will, too, will find the space and the place to enjoy — or watch someone else enjoy — the recreational wealth of the region, will discover or rediscover the slower pace and the underlying peacefulness of the area, will relax in the lifestyle freedom, will benefit from the many free outlets and events of the season and will collect memories to savor throughout the rest of the year.

For the next three months copies of Summertime in the Belgrades will be available in businesses and community resources throughout the Belgrade Lakes region and beyond, to pick up, profit from, save and pass along.

May you enjoy each issue and may you have a memorable summer of 2023!

The Summertime in the Belgrades staff: Esther, Corey, Ethan, Gregor, and Michael

©2023 by Summertime in the Belgrades. All rights reserved.