August 23 – 29, 2024Vol. 26, No. 11

2024: Sky Lights and Other Highlights

by Esther J. Perne

From the bluebird sky of a once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse over Maine, to the magical night brightness of a Northern Lights display, to the lightning-lighted sky of the Belgrade region’s recent hours-long thunderstorm, 2024 was a season of dramatic displays of Nature. From the tree-lined trails, to the rippling waterways, to the beckoning backroads, 2024 was a summer of invitation to discover, enjoy, appreciate the natural surroundings, the open views, the green hills, the expanses of the lakes and the picturesque communities.

From the super-busy calendar of daily activities to the return of regular weekly and monthly celebrations, 2024 presented a standout schedule of events and outings, many free, most of them family-oriented.

It wasn’t that anyone had to feel motivated to leave the comfort and seclusion of residence, lodge or cottage, but it was nice to know that this is a region of community gatherings and creative enrichment.

From lake associations to road associations to watershed and land conservation associations, all with their tireless community of stewards, 2024 was the season for realizing and appreciating the strong infrastructures that are in place to protect and preserve the many natural components of the region.

From huge celebrations to simple ice cream outings, 2024 was a fun season — little kids jumping up and down in an ice cream line or in a puddle, photos showing smiles of sheer happiness (oh, yes, there is a fish in the picture, too), parents short on money taking the family to a free outdoor concert, seniors setting the example of involvement in clubs and organizations.

As always, 2024 was a season of great recreation diversity. Peer into a parked car or a pick-up truck (discreetly, of course) and the range of recreational equipment at the ready never ceases to amaze.

Yes, there could be, would be, but shouldn’t be summertime accidents and 2024 was no different but the experience, speed and success of rescues was no different either. See this issue’s Dams Keeper Report.

Yes, there were and are world worries, but the summer of 2024 here in the Belgrades in central Maine was an invitation to discover, enjoy, appreciate the natural surroundings, join a community gathering for music, crafts or conservation and indulge in a recreational outing, perhaps to admire the dramatic displays of Nature — like a golden sunset or a glowing moonrise.

©2024 by Summertime in the Belgrades. All rights reserved.