August 23 – 29, 2024Vol. 26, No. 11

A Fisherman Goes Through the Dam

The Village Dam, one hour after a fisherman went in and under Gate 1 on the left.

by Dick Greenan

Well, this is our final Dams Keeper Report for the season. Whoever said, “Summer in Maine is nothing but two weeks of bad sledding,” wasn’t too far off the mark! It seems like summer should be getting longer with all of that global warming but here we are regardless — once again!

Normally, the life of a dams keeper isn’t all that exciting! Not all that much to keep you up at night unless there’s a tropical storm, or hurricane that plans a visit to our humble Vacationland. Well, this afternoon was unfortunately something else, but ended much better than could be expected.

I received a call from one of our esteemed Dams Committee members that he just heard that a “kid” had just gone through the Belgrade Village Dam! I was just getting ready to pen this week’s issue so I jumped into my truck and went down to discover that our Belgrade Rescue folks already had everything under control and were working on a middle-aged man who had fallen out of his sit-upon kayak just above the dam while trying to retrieve his fishing lure from an overhanging branch. He had capsized, was drawn down to the dam, and went under the gate, which had been opened to four feet to lower the level of Great Pond after our recent rains. Fortunately, a renter in the streamside cabin heard his calls, called 911, and Rescue promptly responded.

The fisherman was banged up but apparently overall OK considering the trip he just had! Delta took him to Inland Hospital to be checked out and reacquainted hm with his kayak, which our game warden kindly brought to the hospital. Our game wardens are certainly “full service!”

This is a lesson to anyone that wants to dive, jump, or swim above the dam, particularly when the gate(s) are open. There used to be a “No Diving” sign on the bridge, which has been apparently “borrowed.” We will be installing a new sign, which we hope will remain with the bridge and respected for the warning that is intended.

We are still trying to recover from the recent rains — and those thunderstorms! As of this writing, Great Pond has fortunately come down to 2.28″ still above full pond with its primary gate opened 4′, as stated above, and was apparently enough for a large man to go through! Long Pond′s Wings Mill Dam is currently at 0.6″ above full with Gate 1 opened up to its maximum of 6′ and Gate 2 opened to 3.5′. It takes time to move these flooding waters downstream with so many choke points such as Castle Island and Spaulding Bridge in its path. Salmon/McGrath is still in good shape right at 0.6″ above full. And our neighbors on Messalonskee are right at 3.12″ below full, which is great considering all of the water we’re sending their way.

The 2024‑2025 Fall/Winter Lake Drawdown plan calls for Great and Long Ponds to be drawn down to 1.5′‑2.0′ and Salmon down to 1.0′‑1.5′ by November 1. Weather permitting, the drawdowns will take place after the October 12 weekend to give everyone time to take that last boat ride of the season! You will be able to access the Fall/Winter Drawdown Schedule this fall on the Town of Belgrade website and other area town’s sites.

Enjoy what’s left of the summer of 2024 and your Vacation! I hope it’s been a memorable one. It has been for us, but I am sure for different reasons. Thank you and see you next summer!

Dick Greenan is chairman of the Belgrade Lakes Watershed Dams Committee. He submitted this report on August 15, 2024.

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