August 23 – 29, 2024Vol. 26, No. 11

It’s Been a Great Summer

A kayaker’s view of Long Pond. Photo by Chris Monz.

by Chris Monz

It just took a few minutes to carry my kayak down to the dock and launch on the Belgrade Stream. I am fortunate to have had a lifetime of experiences kayaking in some amazing locations, but to go paddling after work? I’m lucky. With the calm of the evening and my paddle nearly silent in the water, I felt solitude.

I traveled the stream roughly north along the Fogg Island Preserve — two full miles of protected shoreline — to the inlet for Ingham Stream. I stowed my paddle and drifted, immersed in the sights and sounds of lower Long Pond, alone. Outdoor recreation is a privilege I have enjoyed throughout my life, but on this outing, on this night, I am not just thinking about the paddle. I am struck by the intimate connection between the land and the lake and the graceful progression as water recedes and land emerges, gradual wetlands yielding to upland forest. This setting allows me to witness all the aspects of a functioning ecosystem, with all my senses, in the quiet of the evening.

Experiences like these and my training as an ecologist combine to give me great enthusiasm for all the work we do at 7 Lakes Alliance. It’s been a great summer for me to join the team and celebrate many accomplishments. Of course, our efforts will continue throughout the year, but here are a few highlights that stand out for me:

Back in my kayak, the impending darkness of twilight caught me a bit by surprise, and with the help of my headlamp, I start for home, content. I’m also thankful for the foresight and support of this community to conserve the lands and waters for all.

Chris Monz, PhD, is president and CEO of the 7 Lakes Alliance.

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