August 16 – 22, 2024Vol. 26, No. 10

Memories Being Made

Sally Whittington and Beth Dyer crush rocks.

by Pete Kallin

It’s hard to believe this is the penultimate edition of Summertime! The summer is flying by and the papers are full of back-to-school specials. Many of the roads entering our watershed have welcoming signs that describe it as a place “where memories are made.”

There was definitely a lot of that going on last week. The kids are ignoring the back-to-school ads and getting out for some end of summer hiking. I visited several trailheads that were packed with cars from all over, e.g. cars from six different states at Round Top.

I did a bit of foraging for mushrooms and spent some time with the 7 Lakes Stewardship Committee making improvements to the Lambert Trail off Drury Lane in Rome. We did a lot of “rock work,” building rock steps and staircases. This involved moving some large rocks, as well as turning some large rocks into small pieces to help stabilize the rock placements. Former Youth Conservation Corps Team Leader and now 7 Lakes Community Engagement Coordinator Sally Whittington put some of her YCC rock crushing skills to good use as seen in the photo with Beth Dyer. Check out the new rock staircase in the background. If you haven’t yet hiked this trail, you should check it out!

Charlie Wheeler holds his 40″ pike.

At the farmers’ market last weekend, eleven-year-old Charlie Wheeler and his dad Chris came up to the 7 Lakes table to talk to me and Bill Swan. I had met Charlie and his mom earlier in the summer when they were hiking Mount Phillip and put his picture in Edition 4 of Summertime. This time, he shared the picture of the large pike (40″, over 15 lb.) he caught trolling in Great Pond. You can tell by the smile on his face that he made some memories that day!

The King grandchildren, grandniece, and grandnephew head up French Mountain.

Recently, my neighbors, Joel and Kathi King, had their daughter, Modjulie Moore, and her family — husband Ricky and kids Miles (11), Elliott (3), and Greta Moore (7) — up from North Carolina for a week-long visit along with a grand niece and nephew Olivia Keating (3) and Luca Keating (5) from Holden, MA. Modjulie was a charter member of the Belgrade Lakes Conservation Corps, now the 7 Lakes Alliance Youth Conservation Corps, in 1996 and 1997. With the hot, humid weather this week, the family spent a lot of time on the King’s pontoon boat, fishing and swimming. They also made a trip up French Mountain with all the kids.

Take advantage of the rest of the summer and get out on the lakes or hike or bike in the hills. And take a kid along. Or a parent or grandparent. You will be creating memories that will last. The 7 Lakes Alliance is hosting many interesting events, which are on both their website and Facebook page, as well as on the sign in front of their building. The 3:00 p.m. Tuesday afternoon live animal talks from Chewonki are especially popular with kids.

Try a new trail for a new adventure. Fogg Island can be accessed by water from Long Pond and by land from the parking lot off Spring Hill Rd in Mt. Vernon. It’s over 500 acres of very interesting, mostly wetland, habitat.

Miles and Olivia overlooking Whittier Pond.
Elliott Moore atop French Mountain.

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