August 16 – 22, 2024Vol. 26, No. 10

Water Levels Aren’t Automatic

by Dick Greenan

I like England a lot but I can do without their weather! But it looks like we may have turned a corner despite the forecast for 1.29″ of precipitation for the next 10 days. Although, as I pen this week’s report, it looks like Hurricane Debbie will be going out west of us, but as of today, that remains to be seen. We did luck out this past ten days with just 0.6″ of precipitation, so let’s see if our luck continues to hold!

The ponds are pretty much right at our summer objective of 3″ above full. Most everyone thinks that our water levels just happen automatically!!! Tell that to the twelve volunteer members of your Dams Committee — they know better!

Messalonskee is 2.16″ below full pond with their electricity generation, which is still good. Salmon/McGrath continues to hold steady at 1.32″ above full. Long Pond is presently 2.86″ above full pond with both gates closed, which could be very temporary depending on the whims of Debbie. Finally, Great Pond at 2.4″ above full with Gate 1 opened just today to 6″.

Enjoy your family, your vacation, and these incredible Belgrades. They are all hard to beat!

Dick Greenan is chairman of the Belgrade Lakes Watershed Dams Committee. He submitted this report on August 8, 2024.

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