August 9 – 15, 2024Vol. 26, No. 9

Give to the North Pond Remediation Fund!

Did you know Maine is home to nearly 6,000 lakes? Today, one of that 6,000 in our local area is facing a huge challenge; North Pond is suffering from its seventh annual algal bloom right now, and the water resembles pea soup. Our goal is to raise funds to stop the blooms and return to clear water. The campaign to raise $3 million for an aluminum sulfate treatment is underway and we need your investment to help us reach our goal.

The North Pond Association (NPA) has created the North Pond Remediation Fund with assistance from 7 Lakes Alliance. A likely spring 2026 alum treatment would return the high levels of phosphorus in the lake to natural levels as recommended in our Watershed-Based Plan. Investing in the improvement and maintenance of North Pond is economically beneficial to area businesses while also benefiting the thousands of people that recreate in our area all four seasons.

As a charitable donor you will be recognized as a benefactor on our website, on social media, in print and word of mouth. You can make an impact with a one time donation or spreading a larger donation over time. ( Please see the contact information below.)

The care of North Pond, surrounded by the towns of Mercer, Rome and Smithfield, for future generations to enjoy is in the trust of North Pond’s current stewards. Clean and healthy lakes are an important investment for our quality of life, local economy, and culture as well as for the health of our wildlife. Together, with your help, WE CAN DO IT!

Thank you for your support!

—North Pond Fundraising Committee

Help Preserve North Pond’s Water Quality

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