June 14 – 20, 2024Vol. 26, No. 1

It’s Time To Reach For Summertime

Dear Readers:

It’s that time again, time to reach for ice cream cones, hot dogs, s’mores, a summer activities program and Summertime in the Belgrades.

It’s that time when the days are long and the opportunities to be active, to attend events and to be outside are even longer, when the whole region is an invitation to break the indoor routine and enjoy small-time, small-town Maine at its best — and to appreciate other people’s enjoyment of that lifestyle, too.

It’s that time when family time is so important and possible, when children and pets and picnic baskets and playgrounds and parks top the daily outings options and when time spent near nature is enriching for all generations.

It’s the time when memories are collected that will return comfortingly at unrelated moments in far different places: memories of walking through a gentle rain, of struggling against a strong wind, of joining strangers of all descriptions with the decided goal of choosing the best concoction or flavor of ice cream that a summer stand can possibly supply, or reclining under the stars to watch fireworks or listening to an outdoor concert.

Any time it’s time to thank our advertisers, but especially at the start of the season. Summertime in the Belgrades advertisers are the best cross section of central Maine businesses for which a newspaper reader could wish. Some of them have supported the publication for over three decades; some are new in 2024. All of them are hardworking and helpful and undoubtedly understaffed — but still they give out smiles and advice and directions to a park or lake or trail or event — where wouldn’t they love to be.

It’s always time and time overdue to thank the Summertime in the Belgrades columnists and contributors for their words and pictures and observations and specialties: to Dick Greenan for the fabulous photos of the loons and the highly-followed recordings of water levels; to Pete Kallin, the region’s absolute best ambassador on the trails and the waters, as he roams and records his wonderful wanderings; to Martha Barkley, who reveals so much about the region and the state through reviews of books relevant and sometimes unrecognized; and to the individuals and organizations that cover the region’s history and conservation and real estate and events.

Weekly programs have re-emerged, signature seasonal events are back on the schedule and doors are open on a regular basis to many of the area’s amazing landmarks. It’s time to plan an outing, a celebration, a tradition — and it’s time to turn the pages of Summertime in the Belgrades for suggestions, ideas, directions, connections.

It’s time to reach for a young child’s hand, the string of a kite, a fishing rod, lemonade from a lawn-side stand, sunscreen, and Summertime in the Belgrades.

Here’s to the waters, the fields, the woods and the hills beyond. Here’s to a huge, small-time, best-time summer.

Esther, Michael, Gregor, Cordell and Ethan

©2024 by Summertime in the Belgrades. All rights reserved.