Drive Out To A Drive-In

New, small and nearby, the Narrow Gauge Drive-In in Farmington offers the perfect family movie night outing: a scenic drive, a small town setting, a good film and a unique experience. With roughly only 325 drive-in theaters left in the United States, out of 4,000 at their peak, and only seven left in Maine, which peaked at 39, a drive-in outing is as much historic adventure as it is entertainment.
The name Narrow Gauge has historic connotations, too. Narrow gauge, or two-footer trains, the tracks were two feet apart, instead of the now-standard 4′8½″ networked throughout much of Franklin County, grandly transporting summer folks in luxury parlor cars from Farmington to the Rangeley Lakes resorts and hauling logs on flatbeds along the Carrabassett River route to the many mill towns, including Farmington.
Open since last summer, the drive-in is a popular attraction for the many families who want to maintain social distancing, stick to their family pod and have a get-out-of-the-house experience. With shows every evening except Tuesdays, the gates open at 8 p.m., and the movie begins at 8:30. Tickets are $15 per carload, $10 on Mondays, a maximum of six persons per car, and may be purchased at the drive-in or online. Bring the confirmation to be scanned. A snack shack with restrooms is available.
Other entertainment options at the Narrow Gauge complex include an indoor cinema, the Big Sky Grill, monthly Craft Fairs, the Whistlestop Concert Series and camping in conjunction with the concerts. Future concerts include Maine Dead Project August 7 and Rustic Overtones August 14. Craft Fairs are scheduled for July 31, August 14 and September 11. For movie information go to or call 778‑4877.
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