The Belgrade Historical Society has been the recipient of a large number of post cards over the course of the last 20 years or so. These cards give us great pictorial snippets of life at different times during the last century. Today I would like to share four cards recently donated by John Gawler that were in his Dad’s possession when he passed. By chance, I am familiar with the locations of each one and will elaborate some to pass these along. The entire collection of several hundred cards will be accessible in the future, both at the CFAS History Room and online.
View from Boyd cottage, facing east northeast, with Abena Point and Long Point on the right and the South end of Hoyt’s Island on the left. This card is unsent and undated.View from the Boyd dock facing north into the mouth of Mill Stream, Belgrade Lakes. The red roofed boat house belongs to cottage now owned by Julie and Sid Dupont, once owned by L.L. Bean. The boathouse has been replaced and now has a pitched A roof. The card is unsent and undated.
View facing west from inside the narrows of Mill Stream, a.k.a. Belgrade Stream, which leads from Great Pond to Belgrade Lakes Village. The Pulsifer boathouse is center and the big white house and barn were Maggie and Deke Damren’s, which burned about 20 years ago. The 7 Lakes Alliance building now sits on that site. The small boathouse on the far right belongs to the Tripp family and is one of only a few that still exist today. The Pulsifer home is the tiny white peak in center peeking over the boathouse and is still lived in by Bill Pulsifer and his daughter Louise. The card was sent on November 12, 1907, addressed to Maude L. Watts in Rogue Bluffs, Maine. The stamp cost 1¢.Probably a view looking north into Mill Stream, before any buildings were built. The hill in the background is likely Bogart’s Mountain and the watercraft is an early launch. The card was sent to New Sharon, Maine on January 3, 1912, again, for 1¢.