June 21 – 27, 2024Vol. 26, No. 2

Just A Small Town In Central Maine

by Esther J. Perne

Just a small town in central Maine: pick-up trucks outside the local restaurant, cars passing slowly, errand stoppers, kids on bikes, the occasional jogger…and so much more — adventure, history, a waterside setting and stories.

In the bygone days it was a huge undertaking to travel to another small town let alone move to one, and why do it? After all, small towns were complete. They had one of everything — church, school, post office, fire station, library, grange hall or meeting house, doctor, and that all-purpose, supplied-with-everything general store.

Today, it is easy to visit a small town or several of them all in the same outing. There’s a reason for that…it’s called incredible scenery, back roads with rural character, fascinating yard art, a look at lifestyle, shopping along the way, for fresh eggs, home baked goodies, honey and maple syrup, vegetables, fruits and flowers and, absolutely, properties for sale.

Today, along the way are venues that once were in population centers, offering the occasional entertainment, history programs, bingo, food sales, library events, community coffee times and activities for varying ages. There are access points to lakes and streams. And, there are trailheads — to trails not on a map, or so it seems.

Want to know what’s up, or where to find something or even directions? If there isn’t any locals hangout — usually a table where coffee and tales flow, the post office will do, or the library, or the town office, or the general store, if it hasn’t disappeared or the community center or church or the local bulletin board. Now there’s a story about life in a small town.

Read the notices: Someone has lost a cat, someone else has found one (different color). Handyman available, call anytime, except during fishing and hunting seasons. Could someone please help find a dock? Ditto for dog. Public supper coming up and, yes, it’s OK to eat the pie first.

Read the posters: Take notes on a band concert, an old home day, hikes, paddles, volunteers needed, fairs and sales, once in a summer or all summer long, food donations desperately needed, puppies for sale.

When it’s time to top off a good visit to the lakes, the hills, the oudoor recreation and the slower pace just add a small town with pick-up trucks outside the local restaurant, cars passing through slowly, errand stoppers, kids on bikes, the occasional jogger and simple, satisfying outings and events on the schedule.

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