July 10 – 16, 2020Vol. 22, No. 5

Hallelujah! Rain at Last!

by Dick Greenan

Halleluiah!!! Finally, we received some measurable precipitation here in the Belgrades! As this report is penned, we had just received 2.71" of rain in the past four days and are forecasted for another 1.07" for the next 10 days. We really need it!

As a result of this precip, Great Pond is today, 0.48" above full pond with Long Pond down just 0.72" below below full. I expect Long Pond will also be up above full within the next day or so due to its relatively steep watershed. Salmon/McGrath has also fortunately come up and is now just 5" below full. And as a reminder, Great Pond and Long Pond dams have been completely shut down for well over a month now so your Dams Committee is in the "preserve the water levels at all cost" mode.

As previously reported, the "permanent" repair on Wings Mill will start promptly on the 15th of this month. Due to the very nature of the work being done, I mistakenly assumed that we would lose some of our precious water during the demolition and construction but, such is not the case. The contractor, Kavestone LLC, has assured us, "[W]e will be using an inflatable cofferdam to temporarily hold back the water. So rest assured, the water levels will be maintained!" We're in good hands!

Due to the recent cooler air temperatures and the rain, the water temperature on upper Long Pond had dropped down to 74°F just recently but today, as I write this, we have fortunately come up to 77°F. Still refreshing but most delightful! This is what a perfect summer is all about — a late afternoon/evening shower to cool things down and replenish our lands and lakes and, to ensure that "summer in Maine vacation" that everyone talks about!

Enjoy the family, your vacation and this incredibly beautiful weather, and please stay safe!

Dick Greenan is secretary to the Belgrade Lakes Watershed Dams Committee. He submitted this report on 7/2/2020.

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