The Stars and Stripes snaps in the wind over the stern of a wooden motorboat racing down Great Pond. Photo by Frank L. Barkley, Jr. More…
(Click here or on the photo above to enlarge it.)
On the Cover
DIY 4th of July
Remember when the 4th of July meant family time, staying close to home, being free for a day from a set routine? Remember when the 4th of July meant a simple picnic with peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches and chips or a simple cook-out with hot dogs and potato salad? More…
Driving into MIFF 2020
Although many traditional summer events have been canceled, postponed, or moved online, one key event is going forward, although in a slimmed-down form and at a different venue. The Maine International Film Festival is moving to the Skowhegan Drive-In and will run from Tuesday, July 7 until Thursday, July 16. More…
Arts Extra
MIFF Presents Shorts From Away
Last week, we took a sneak peek at the Maine Shorts to be shown at this year's Maine International Film Festival. Now, we'll take look at MIFF's other shorts program, the Shorts From Away. Ranging from 7 to 23 minutes long, the ten shorts total just over two hours. All but two are from the United States. More…
The Luckiest Boy
Characters of Belgrade From Yesteryear
Like most towns, Belgrade had its share of "characters" and probably still does. Exactly what that means by a "character" may vary, but they are people who leave a lasting impression in people's minds. Keep in mind that "character" is generally a category of endearment. My wife says that characters teach us lessons, put a smile on our faces and reserve a place in our hearts. More…
Book Review
Good Boy: My Life in Seven Dogs
Another stirring memoir, Good Boy: My Life in Seven Dogs by Jennifer Finney Boylan, is quite the read for dog lovers and non dog owners alike. Many people have adopted pets during these strange days of isolation, so walking the dog has become essential in many lives in Belgrade Lakes and all over our country. More…
Dams Report
Much Rain Is Needed
Well, our ponds are really starting to feel the effects of another drought. Although the Great Pond and Long Pond dams have been completely shut down for a good month now, Great Pond is down just 1" from full pond with Long Pond down 3.12" below full. The difference is that the Wings Mill dam that holds back Long Pond is still leaking, despite the temporary repairs done almost 2 years ago. More…
Is Protecting our Lakes Still Important?
As people who work in the environmental field, responding to situations of environmental crisis is our default. It's like breathing for us. It's our job, and often our life's purpose, to protect our natural resources from harm. If I'm being honest, it's actually kind of an adrenaline rush when you remove invasive plants from the lake or respond to a report of an injured loon. It's good to feel like you have made a difference by doing your work and it is easy to focus on your "issue bubble" and be less aware of other, also worthy, issues. More…
On the Water
7 Lakes Alliance: Mobilizing Against Milfoil
Left unchecked, aggressive non-native variable leaf milfoil grows rampantly, forming large mats on the surface, recreational boating, fishing and swimming, and even reducing property values. This year, with ice-out about a month earlier than usual and abundant sunshine, invasive plants have gotten a head-start. More…
Take It Outside
The Grandkids Return
One of the side effects of the pandemic restrictions is that my older grandkids' Ultimate Frisbee camps, tennis camps, and jazz camps have been canceled. I told my daughter-in-law that Grandpa's lakeside fishing, swimming, and hiking camp was still open and ready for business. Shortly thereafter, my teenage grandkids, Maddy and Nathan, checked in for a short stay. More…
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