Welcome Letter
Dear Readers,

For more on loons, see our new Call of the Loon column.
Welcome to the summer of 2021 to the good times, the traditions and the memories that the season and the region offer and to Summertime in the Belgrades, your weekly connection to this beautiful central Maine area for vacationers, visitors and residents.
The first issue of Summertime in the Belgrades each season is greeted at our many delivery stops with "Now we know summer is here," and it is a new summer full of hope and anticipation, outings and adventure, peacefulness and escape.
When Summertime in the Belgrades announced its start-up as the Belgrade Lakes Guide three decades ago we were frequently asked how can you find enough to write about? The question we have most frequently asked ourselves is: How will we fit everything in?
Like the ever-changing Maine weather the contents of Summertime in the Belgrades have been ever changing, too, with some seasons so full of events that we couldn't include them all and some seasons like a year ago when the lakes, the trails, the quaint Main Streets and the quiet family outings have claimed every page.
Predictions are that the summer of 2021 will offer an intriguing balance…and we are ready.
Our familiar weekly columns will be back, covering news, history, conservation, recreation, books, the state of the lakes and new this summer a chronicle of our beloved loons. Our reporting on events updated, adapted, streamlined and reintroduced as they might be will be part of every issue, too.
Welcome to summer and welcome to the pages of Summertime in the Belgrades.
The Summertime in the Belgrades staff:
Esther, Michael, Gregor, Corey and Ethan
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